DOF/241210 1046Z

 10 landings this month using housewife slippers (ordered by most lucky pilot)

Callsign Pilot Plane Type Touch (ft/min) Arrival Date
MVA1414Lucas CastroDH8B- 42 ft/min LPEV2024-12-06 18:07:34
MVA1414Lucas CastroDA-40- 55 ft/min LPBG2024-12-03 19:44:44
MVA1414Lucas CastroDH8B- 57 ft/min LPBG2024-12-08 23:48:45
MVA1414Lucas CastroDH8B- 72 ft/min LPEV2024-12-07 23:59:41
MVA1414Lucas CastroDH8B- 91 ft/min LPCB2024-12-08 00:34:26
MVA1414Lucas CastroDH8B- 104 ft/min LPVZ2024-12-08 23:16:30
MVA1414Lucas CastroDH8B- 177 ft/min LPPM2024-12-07 19:56:30
MVA1023João Guilherme França B738- 195 ft/min EGCC2024-12-07 02:48:02
MVA1023João Guilherme França B738- 222 ft/min EGPH2024-12-07 01:09:32
MVA1414Lucas CastroDH8B- 250 ft/min LPVZ2024-12-04 00:14:36

 10 landings usind a big male sledgehammer this month (great mother of christ)

Callsign Pilot Plane Type Touch (ft/min) Arrival Date
MVA1054Diogo Pereira- 1,716 ft/min LPPT2024-12-08 19:56:41
MVA1089João CostaC295M- 299 ft/min LPOV2024-12-08 15:56:57
MVA1414Lucas CastroDH8B- 250 ft/min LPVZ2024-12-04 00:14:36
MVA1023João Guilherme França B738- 222 ft/min EGPH2024-12-07 01:09:32
MVA1023João Guilherme França B738- 195 ft/min EGCC2024-12-07 02:48:02
MVA1414Lucas CastroDH8B- 177 ft/min LPPM2024-12-07 19:56:30
MVA1414Lucas CastroDH8B- 104 ft/min LPVZ2024-12-08 23:16:30
MVA1414Lucas CastroDH8B- 91 ft/min LPCB2024-12-08 00:34:26
MVA1414Lucas CastroDH8B- 72 ft/min LPEV2024-12-07 23:59:41
MVA1414Lucas CastroDH8B- 57 ft/min LPBG2024-12-08 23:48:45

 Flight time per pilot this month

Callsign Pilot Total hours
MVA1414Lucas Castro4 hrs
MVA1023João Guilherme França 3 hrs
MVA1054Diogo Pereira2 hrs
MVA1089João Costa1 hrs

 Total flights this month

Callsign Pilot Total flights this month
MVA1414Lucas Castro8
MVA1023João Guilherme França 2
MVA1089João Costa1
MVA1054Diogo Pereira1

 Top 10 routes this month

Airport Departure Airport Arrival # Flights

 Current month statistics

Total hours: 09:29
Flights total 12
Flights Regular
Flights Charter 12
% Flights Regular 0.00 %

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