DOF/250213 1331Z

Miralto's Little School

School is nice to learn to read and calculate stuff...

Downloading and executing SIM ACARS

To fly for Mickey Virtual Airlines you have to download SIM ACARS, which you can get in the following link:

After executing this app, you need to go to the "Virtual Airline Settings" tab. Here enter your login credentials, and the following information:

  • VA Name: Mickey Virtual Airlines
  • Weight Unit: Kg

Click on OK, and after that below on Login.

Start your simulator and prepare your aircraft (fuel, pax, cargo,...).

Now return to the "Flight Plan" separator. Enter the departure and destination ICAOs, your Callsign and click on "Start Track".

This is how you fly a charter flight! Now takeoff and have some fun!

If you want to fly a regular flight, you have to book your flight on the VA's website before logging in.

When you're done, don't forget to press the lower right button END FLIGHT, in the "Flight Plan" separator, and immediately after on the SEND REPORT. Otherwise, your flights will not be registered.

If you're still having trouble, feel free to open a new ticket on our helpdesk.

Happy flying!

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