DOF/250213 1133Z




Pilots 28
Aircraft in fleet 48
Routes 222
Total hours: 17192:01
Flights total 10748
Flights Regular 2176
Flights Charter 8572
% Flights Regular 25.38 %


CallsignPilotDepartureArrivalAircraft TypeDateTouch (ft/min)Flight RatingDetails
MVA1097Pilot Jesus  KMSY  KTUL B757-C322025-02-12-88 ft/min100%
MVA2351Flight Instructor Tomé  LPPI  LPPT A20N2025-02-12-61 ft/min100%
MVA1414Captain Castro  LPBG  LPVZ DA402025-02-11-65 ft/min100%
MVA2351Flight Instructor Tomé  SABE  SBSV A20N2025-02-09-185 ft/min100%
MVA1097Pilot Jesus  KXNA  KMSY B757-2002025-02-09-81 ft/min100%
MVA1089Pilot Costa  ESPA  ENBO F16AM2025-02-09-173 ft/min100%
MVA1097Pilot Jesus  KSGF  KXNA B757-2002025-02-09-28 ft/min100%
MVA2351Flight Instructor Tomé  SBSP  SBRJ A20N2025-02-09-338 ft/min95%
MVA2351Flight Instructor Tomé  EDDB  LPPT A20N2025-02-08-65 ft/min100%
MVA1414Captain Castro  LPPD  LPPI DH8B2025-02-07-88 ft/min100%

Average ratings last 30 days

CallsignPilotFlight Rating
MVA1097Pilot Jesus100.0%
MVA1089Pilot Costa99.0%
MVA2351Flight Instructor Tomé98.3%
MVA1414Captain Castro97.9%
MVA1928Pilot Sardines95.0%

Flights per pilot last 30 days

Callsign Pilot Total flights
MVA2351Flight Instructor Tomé20
MVA1097Pilot Jesus10
MVA1414Captain Castro7
MVA1089Pilot Costa5
MVA1928Pilot Sardines1

Best landings last 30 days

Callsign Pilot Touch (ft/min)
MVA2351Flight Instructor Tomé-11 ft/min
MVA1097Pilot Jesus-28 ft/min
MVA1414Captain Castro-45 ft/min
MVA1089Pilot Costa-96 ft/min
MVA1928Pilot Sardines-197 ft/min


We fly preferably on the following network(s)

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